Leading a Journey into Luke: Preparing Teachers of the Gospel

An Open Enrolment Course

A combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning to be completed between January 25th and February 28th. Interested students must register by February 11th in order to be prepared for the one synchronous meeting, which takes place on February 15th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

This course is designed as a training module for those who are interested in leading a Bible study on Luke. We know that studying the Bible leads us deeper into Christ’s love for the world, builds a culture of discipleship, promotes greater engagement with the Christian faith, and offers leadership roles to lay members of congregations. But many people feel poorly equipped to lead a Bible study. 

This training course combines live online learning with resources students can access at their own pace. On completion, participants will have the confidence and curriculum necessary to lead a 5-week Bible study on the Gospel of Luke, the centrepiece of the lectionary for the current year in many churches. Topics covered include an overview of the gospel and its themes, skills and pointers for facilitating a group study (what happens if someone talks too much? what happens if I don’t know the answer to a question?), and a review of a specially-designed curriculum for use in leading a Bible study. Participants will leave with a Bible study curriculum about Luke to use in their congregations, whether during Lent or at some other time during the year. 

Asynchronous elements will be available starting January 25th. There will be one synchronous meeting on Tuesday February 15th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.


Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jesse Zink is principal of Montreal Diocesan Theological College and the author of several books about Christian faith in the 21st century, including A Faith for the Future.

About Open Enrolment

Our open enrolment courses equip students for life in a changing church. These courses are aimed at anyone who is interested in deepening their Christian faith and knowledge, and cultivating leadership skills in the church. There is no homework or written assignments. All you need is a desire to learn and a willingness to participate.


Regular: $50/person

Friends of the College: 30$/person 


[email protected]

Interested participants must register by February 12th

This seems familiar. Have you offered this course before?

Yes. We offered a very similar course in winter semester 2019. If you’re among the people who took that course, you may find this repetitive. But we think the topic is so interesting, it’s worth updating the course and offering it again.