Faith in the Lion’s Den: A Reflection on God’s Deliverance in Everyday Challenges

This reflection was written by Felississima Mwambarangwe, one of our In Ministry Year students, as part of her field placement, and is featured in this month’s Dio E-Newsletter, a monthly update shared with the wider community.

It was my first Sunday School session as an IMY (In Ministry Year) student, and I was joined by my supervisor. The group included both boys and girls who attended that Sunday. The reading for the day was Daniel 6:18-23, which recounts Daniel’s deliverance from the lion’s den.

After the Pastor read the passage, she asked one of the students to read it again. She then opened up a discussion about the situation in the text, focusing on Daniel’s experience in the lion’s den and what it could mean for us today. She particularly emphasized Daniel 6:22, where an angel came and shut the mouths of the lions. She asked the students if they had ever experienced a ‘lion’s den’ situation in their lives.

One of the students shared that, while playing at school, he accidentally broke a window with a ball, and the school charged his mother ten thousand dollars. The whole class was stunned into silence. One of the children said it wasn’t fair. I, as the IMY student, empathized deeply with the boy’s mother, imagining the weight of the situation on her.

Reflection on the issues raised

Though the class did not delve deeply into the details, the weight of the situation was clear. The boy’s mother was not a regular member of the church, and this boy had come with friends who were long-time attendees. This moment reminded me that, like Daniel, we sometimes face overwhelming circumstances beyond our control. Daniel’s prayerful life and reliance on God’s presence in the lion’s den enabled him to survive. Similarly, this mother, though her financial situation was unclear, needed prayer and God’s intervention.

I believe God brings people with different struggles to church to offer them solace and to guide the community in lifting them up in prayer. This young boy’s testimony became a moment of reflection for all of us, as we placed his family’s needs before God, asking for deliverance just as He had delivered Daniel.

Theological Reflection

When we read and explain God’s word, it helps us see that no situation is too difficult for Him. Daniel’s situation in the Old Testament seemed like certain death, but his faith in God’s protection brought about his miraculous deliverance. In the same way, the young boy’s story of breaking the window and the resulting financial burden on his mother reflected a modern-day lion’s den.

The child, though young, understood the gravity of the situation, recognizing that his mother was now facing a huge bill. But just as Daniel trusted God to act in his favor, I trust that God will move in this family’s life. While the cost of repairing a window seemed exorbitant, it is a reminder that life often presents us with unfair and difficult challenges. Yet, as I reflect on this, I believe that God’s faithfulness, as it was in Daniel’s time, remains steadfast.

This incident reaffirmed for me that God hears our prayers. Just as we prayed for this family, I am confident that God will provide for them, as He has always provided for His people. James 5:16 reminds us that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective, and I believe that God will show His mercy to this mother and her child.

Looking Ahead

This event taught me that unexpected challenges arise, and as a Sunday School leader, I must be prepared to listen and respond compassionately. The boy’s story reminded me never to underestimate how children apply Scripture to their own lives. For future sessions, I plan to be more mindful of the situations the children may be facing and will work on developing better listening skills. If a similar situation arises, I’ll make a point to follow up with the child after class to see how we, as a church, can help.

I believe that God brought this boy to us as a bridge, and I hope that through this experience, his family will be drawn closer to the church. Reflecting on Daniel’s story gives me confidence that God is already at work in their lives. I continue to pray for His provision and deliverance for them.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, You are a faithful and unchanging God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just as You delivered Daniel from the lions’ den, I ask You to deliver this young boy and his mother from the financial burden they now face. Provide for them, Lord, and help them to see Your hand at work in their lives. We trust in Your provision, and we lift them into Your loving care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Felississima Mwambarangwe
