Studies for United Church Testamur

For mature students with prior theological training, seeking ordination in the United Church of Canada.

This program enables students with prior theological training and ministry formation to meet the requirements for United Church Testamur for ordained ministry. Testamur is a type of certification that is required for ordination in the United Church of Canada.

Those seeking United Church ordination have their transcripts assessed by the college. A personal program of study is then prepared for the student indicating what they need to do and what courses they need to take to get Testamur. Students fulfill the requirements outlined in the program of study. This can usually be done at a distance (non residential) in two academic semesters.

Structure and Courses

Students usually complete the following United Church Studies courses. Depending on their previous studies they may also be required to complete other courses (for example: Pastoral Care, or Education and Formation) or a supervised ministry placement (field education).


Using a case-study approach, discover how the United Church makes its decisions. Explore the caring and practical dimensions of making decisions and working within church structures. Learn the information that church leaders need to be effective in their role in the church.  

Explore the unique character, history, and ethos of liturgical expression in the United Church of Canada. Integrate theory and theology and develop skills for worship leadership in congregational and pastoral settings.  

A survey of the rich history of the United Church of Canada and of the various kinds of theologies generated throughout that history and within the United Church today.  

An interactive in-person learning circle designed to explore what it means to be an intercultural church, build a community of mutual support, deepen your understanding of the United Church, and discover a variety of theological perspectives.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements are flexible for this program, so we encourage any interested individuals to reach out to us to see if it’s the right fit for you even if you do not meet the requirements below.  

  • Students must be in the Candidacy Pathway of the United Church with a vocational call to ordained ministry.
  • Students may be ordained in another denomination but are not eligible to be admitted as Admission Ministers in the United Church.
  • Students typically have a Master of Divinity or equivalent degree from a theological college that is not a United Church Testamur granting institution.  
  • Proof of French or English language proficiency may be required.

Contact our Admissions Staff

We know that thinking about the future of your education can be overwhelming. We’re here to help make it easier for you!

Using the form below, write us a message detailing any questions or concerns you may have. Be sure to fill out the e-mail address box so that we can get back to you. All other fields are optional.