Open Enrolment Courses

Even if you can't move to Montreal, you can still join us for one of these courses that will help prepare you for Christian ministry in a changing world.

During Fall and Winter semester at Dio, we offer a range of open enrolment courses that equip students for life in a changing church. These courses are aimed at anyone who is interested in deepening their Christian faith and knowledge, and cultivating leadership skills in the church. There is no homework or written assignments. All you need is a desire to learn and a willingness to participate.

Ongoing education and learning is essential for the vitality of the church and its ministry. These courses are for a range of different audiences and cover a wide array of topics. Whatever your background in the church and however you serve in ministry, we hope that you will find in these offerings something that will help you grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Nous offrons aussi les cours en français en plus de nos cours en anglais. Les personnes qui parlent couramment français et qui ont minimalement l’équivalent d’un diplôme collégial peuvent s’inscrire aux cours en français.

Learn Together!

For many of our non-workshop based courses, there is an option to register as a group. We encourage you to gather with a friend or group in a parish hall, living room, or over Zoom to participate in and to discuss the class afterwards using the resources we provide. Group leaders will be given a Zoom link which they can distribute to their group members.

Reading the Bible in the Season of Creation: Christian Discipleship in a Time of Climate Crisis

Tuesday evenings, September 24th to October 15th, 7:00pm to 8:30pm, online

Learn more about the worldview that produced the Bible and see how its teachings are shaped by a deep relationship with the natural world. Key themes include the land, food, agriculture, and Creation itself. 

Preaching Justice:
A Preaching Workshop

Tuesdays, October 29th to November 12th, 2024, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, online

Learn how to tackle justice-oriented topics in the pulpit. Practice exegesis, prepare a justice-related sermon, and learn to provide a pastoral response to the community when preaching on controversial topics.

Lire la Bible – Premier Testament

Les mercredis, le 18 septembre au 9 octobre, 2024, de 18 h à 21 h, en ligne

Un cours d’initiation au Premier Testament qui s’agit de familiariser les étudiants aux différents genres littéraires et d’explorer quelques approches herméneutiques.

Lire la Bible – Deuxième Testament


Les mercredis, le 16 octobre au 13 novembre, 2024, de 18 h à 21 h, en ligne

Ce cours est une initiation au Deuxième Testament. La christologie biblique est le champ principal d’étude de ce cours.

Past Course Offerings Include:

Caring in Christian Communities: A Pastoral Care Workshop
Living as a Christian in a World That’s Not: Reading the Acts of the Apostles
The Christian Gospel and Popular Culture
Rekindling the Fire: A Preaching Workshop