Montreal Diocesan Theological College is a creative learning community that is rooted in the Anglican and United Church traditions, studies alongside our ecumenical colleagues, and partners with one of Canada’s leading universities. Through residential and distance programs, we offer theological education that prepares students from all backgrounds for faithful and creative ministry in the church.

Our church needs priests who can be both compassionate pastors and thoughtful theologians—and through their time at the college, that’s what Dio graduates become.

-The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers, ’05, Bishop of Quebec

Affiliation with McGill

Since 1880, the college has been affiliated with McGill University. Students in our Bachelor of Theology, Master of Divinity, and Master of Sacred Theology programs are co-registered as McGill students and have access to all the benefits that come with being a student at one of Canada’s premier universities. We also offer in-person and distance programs that prepare people for ministry independent of McGill.

Ecumenical Partnership

We work closely with The Presbyterian College, in an ecumenical consortium called the Montreal School of Theology. In virtually all of our classes, our students learn from faculty and students from a wide variety of Christian traditions.

It was a bishop of Montreal who founded us and we retain warm relations with the Diocese of Montreal. But our students have long come from across Canada and around the world. If you are interested in joining us, we would love to hear from you.

It’s important to attend seminary in Montreal, one of the most secular cities in North America. You can’t assume everybody’s going to church or friendly towards religion—and that makes it a good place to learn what it really means to be Christian.

-The Ven. Tim Smart, ’87