Pathways to Ordination

There are a number of ways Montreal Dio can help you gain the necessary academic qualifications for ordination in the Anglican Church, the United Church of Canada, and other denominations. We offer in-person programs in Montreal and distance programs; degrees, diplomas, licentiates, and certificates. Wherever you are on your path toward ordination, we can meet you there.

Read below to learn more about our pathways to ordination and which one may best suit your situation.


Master of Divinity

Prepare for ministry with a degree that combines rigorous academic learning, ecumenical theological reflection, and engagement with diverse ministry contexts. The M. Div. is suitable preparation for ordained ministry in the Anglican and United Churches, as well as a variety of other denominations.

Diploma in Ministry (Dip.Min.)

An award for students with previous theological study who are now preparing for Christian ministry. The Dip. Min. is a one-year program focused on field education. It is designed for candidates for ordination in the Anglican, United Churches, and other denominations.

Reading and Tutorial Program

A distance-education program that offers theological education to prepare people for ministry in a local context and leads to a Certificate in Theology or Licentiate in Theology. This program is perfect for mature students seeking ordination in the Anglican or United Church but who are settled in their local context and wish to minister in their community.

Studies for United Church Testamur


This program enables students with prior theological training and ministry formation to meet the requirements for ordination in the United Church of Canada. It is a flexible program that can be done remotely, usually in two semesters.

Licentiate in Ministry

This program prepares students for ministry in community and congregational contexts. Graduates will meet the requirements for ordained ministry in the United Church of Canada.