Planned giving ensures that the college will continue to:
- Support the formation of faithful and creative Christian leaders
- Ensure that theological education serves the entire Church
- Adapt and evolve our work to meet the needs of our ever-changing Church and world
How to Leave a Legacy Gift
Charitable bequests through your will
You can leave either a lump sum or a percentage of your estate to Montreal Dio in your will. In order to arrange this, contact your financial or legal adviser and share the following phrase “I bequeath to Montreal Diocesan Theological College $____ (or ____%) of my estate.”
Changing the beneficiary on your life insurance policy
Contact your insurer and request a change of beneficiary form. Fill out the form accurately and completely, naming Montreal Diocesan Theological College as one of the beneficiaries. You will likely be asked for the charitable organisation number. If you would like to leave a gift in this way, please contact us for further information. There are several other ways you can have a charity benefit from your life insurance policy such as re-assigning ownership of the policy, or directing dividends to a charity. You can also acquire a new policy, naming Montreal Diocesan Theological College as the owner and beneficiary.
When it comes to transferring your wealth to the next generation, RRSPs and RRIFs are among your most heavily taxed assets. It is, however, a simple process to name an organisation such as Montreal Diocesan Theological College as a beneficiary of your registered account, entitling your estate to substantial tax savings.
Publicly Traded Securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated in value are a tax-smart way to make a legacy gift. When you sell a stock, bond, or mutual fund privately, 50% of all capital gains are subject to tax. But if you donate those same securities directly to a registered charity, such as Montreal Diocesan Theological College, all taxes on capital gains are eliminated, plus you receive a donation tax receipt for the full market value of the securities.