Tyson Røsberg, Master of Divinity (with distinction)
Tyson grew up in British Columbia and moved to Montreal to pursue a Master’s degree in Oral History at Concordia University, where he researched the memories of rural Canadians during the Great Depression. Over the course of his studies, Tyson became increasingly involved in church-related ministries and communities, and eventually enrolled at Montreal Dio. He feels his academic research skills are a gift that he brings into his ministry, and cites his work in Oral History as “real engagement in people’s life stories, in hearing and recognizing who they are—a bearing witness to people.” Tyson is thankful to the college for the opportunity to spend a year abroad at the American Cathedral in Paris, which provided him with a unique, intercultural environment for growing in his ministry and leadership skills. Passionate about liturgy, story-telling, and building community, Tyson is excited to see where the Spirit of God will call him in the coming years.

Geert-Jan Boudewijnse, Licentiate in Theology
Like so many of his generation growing up in post-war Netherlands, Geert-Jan distanced himself from the church for a time. However, his exploration of spiritual practices like meditation and centering prayer, along with discussions with friends who remained devout Christians, including a particular Anglican priest, caused him to once again draw near to the church. Geert-Jan has enjoyed the warm, welcoming community atmosphere at Montreal Dio. He also appreciates the positive impact of starting and ending each day with morning and evening prayer. He describes his In-Ministry-Year as a year of reflection and transformation, where the focus shifted away from academic knowledge and towards becoming a “healthy, mature and whole Christian, who can be of support to others.” After graduation, Geert-Jan looks forward to taking on a role in a parish where he can contribute to the spiritual formation of members.
Scott Potter, Master of Divinity
Originally from Maine, in the United States, Scott moved to Quebec to complete his undergraduate degree at Bishop’s University in Lennoxville, where he met a number of Anglican church leaders whom he describes as “living lives of incredible freedom.” Feeling a vocation ignite within him, Scott embraced his baptismal vows and set out on a journey towards Christ. During his time at Montreal Dio, Scott humorously cites his role as cellarer (or “kitchen curator”) as formative for his future in ministry, as he spent many hours cleaning up after forgetful fellow students, carrying tea mugs and washing up, teaching him “a new way to pray.”