The local option, legislative procedure, and pastoral generosity in the Anglican Church of Canada
In the Anglican tradition, what are bishops good for?
In the Anglican tradition, what are bishops good for?
The college offers our warm congratulations to the Rev. Dr. Karen Egan, who was elected prolocutor of General Synod at the meeting in Vancouver. The [...]
Montreal Dio's 2019 Convocation featured an address from Melanie Delva, Reconciliation Animator for the Anglican Church of Canada, and conferral of degrees and awards on [...]
The report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was released in the week Christians were preparing to celebrate Pentecost. [...]
College Principal Jesse Zink has written a new article for The Anglican Theological Review reviewing several recent books about religion and the economy. A key [...]
Church communities across Canada were led deeper into the Gospel of Luke this past Lent thanks to a Bible study curriculum from Montreal Dio. Luke [...]
The Montreal Dio community celebrated the achievements of its students and the conclusion of another academic year.
Montreal Diocesan Theological College has appointed the Rev. Hilary Bogert-Winkler as its new Director of Pastoral Studies. Hilary currently serves in the Diocese of Western [...]
I am not so caught up in my own little bubble, and know that I, and what I do, is part of a larger body [...]
In this era when membership in institutions--not just the church--is dropping, are we being offered a new mark of the Christian life: curiosity.