Praying for Christian unity
Why should you care about Christian unity? It’s a question worth asking in this week, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Why should you care about Christian unity? It’s a question worth asking in this week, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
What do you find in our liturgies that can reshape your life—and the lives of others—outside the church walls?
Sometimes that change is forced upon us, as it was for me. Other times, we are given the grace to acknowledge the need for change [...]
“And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake!” (Mark 13:37) Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! In this first week of Advent, [...]
Dear colleagues, One of the most appealing parts of praying the Daily Office is the repetition. I find myself drawn deeper into the Bible by [...]
Dear friends, If you spend a little bit of time in an Anglican (or Lutheran) church, chances are it won’t be long before you’re offered [...]
Dear friends, Last Tuesday, when I was speaking about my research on the church in South Sudan, I showed a picture of one of my [...]
Dear friends, As the days grow short, the liturgical calendar directs our attention forward to what is to come. We have already sensed this in [...]
Dear colleagues, Last Friday, the Ministry Seminar for students in the first two years of the M.Div. discussed Bivocational: Returning to the Roots of Ministry [...]