Yvrose Lubérisse is a student from a Roman Catholic background in Dio’s Master of Divinity program. She began studying at Dio this fall.
Tell us about your life before coming to Dio?
I moved to Canada from Haiti in 2001 with my three children. In my home country, I worked in education. I have a Bachelor of Arts, and a Master’s degree in Distance Education, and a Bachelor of Education. I taught in an elementary school here in Canada for 10 years, and worked in community development before that. In 2020 I decided that I wanted to pursue theological studies. Montreal Dio and the Master of Divinity were the perfect fit for me. This year, through a fortunate combination of circumstances, I was able to resign from my teaching job and begin my studies.
What is your faith background?
Born into a Roman Catholic environment, I felt the presence of the Lord intensely since my first communion. At 8, my older brother became a Jehovah’s Witness and dragged a good part of the family with him. My father and my late husband became Adventists, and my children are currently in an evangelical church. So, I have developed an ecumenical spirit to survive. I was part of an ecumenical group in Haiti for a while, which met at an Episcopalian Church.
In my parishes in Montreal, I have been involved with meeting parents for infant baptisms, and children for first communion and confirmation, and in leading adult catechumenate. I have also written spiritual editorials for parish newspapers and articles focusing on social ministry.
Why were you drawn to the study of theology and the work of ministry? And what are you hoping to do when you are done with your degree?
I have always dreamed of studying theology further and I am living my dream. I am excited about the place of women in the Anglican Church. I see myself preparing to continue to help others to find God in their hearts. I want to make God my heritage and continue to enter into his peace. A call is a journey that you welcome in the secret of your heart. A call shakes you up. A call makes you say and makes others say: ‘’You are crazy’’.
What are you enjoying most about your time at Dio?
I am in the place I was meant to be now. The community life in Montreal Dio surrounded by the United Church of Canada and the Presbyterian College is a great blessing. It is an ecumenical life. I have the feeling that I am not alone and that I am discovering with others.