Jonathan Jameson, Master of Divinity
Jon has taken an unorthodox path to seminary education. He had a long career as a touring professional musician. Through this experience, he discerned a call to ordained ministry. He was ordained a deacon in the Diocese of Central Florida in February and, with his family, is currently discerning where he is called to ministry.
“My time at Dio has been enriching, edifying, and rewarding, both academically and spiritually. But above all, I’ll take away the simple, yet beautiful, experience of finding the gospel to be a point of cohesion amid diversity with Christian friendship as its natural expression.”
Tevfik Karatop, Master of Divinity
Tevfik is a native of Turkey and came to Montreal to study for a doctorate at Concordia University. His connection to St. John’s Lutheran Church, however, helped him deepen his interest in Christianity. In time, he was baptized and eventually enrolled at Dio to pursue a calling to ministry.
“After three years of discernment, learning and prayer as a Master of Divinity student at Dio, I embark on a new academic journey. I will start a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies at McGill University in Fall 2021. While studying at McGill, I will be privileged to be a member of the spiritually and intellectually vibrant Dio community.”
Linda Moore, Master of Divinity (with distinction)
Linda came to Dio after a career as a hospital lab technician in Vermont. She is returning to her home in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and anticipates being ordained in the Diocese of Vermont later this year.
“I will take forward the love and compassion that we have for one another and for our neighbors as a community here at Dio. I hope to foster this love and compassion in communities where I am led to minister.”
Fresia Saborio, Master of Divinity
Fresia is a native of Costa Rica with a long career in medicine. She came to Montreal to follow a calling from God to study theology. While here, she became connected to Dio and the Anglican tradition and is now preparing for ordination in the Diocese of Montreal.
“I never could have imagined where this journey would end but I have a strong sense of confidence that I am where I need to be. Dio gave me a discipline of prayer and a strong formation of leading worship in both official languages. I am also taking with me a profound sense of community life where I was supported in my discernment process and faith journey.”
Ben Stuchbery, Diploma in Ministry (with distinction) 
Ben Stuchbery was an undergraduate at McGill and then completed the Master in Sacred Theology there as well. Through all that time, he was also a student at the college, following a deeply felt call to ordained ministry. He is now preparing for ordination and a curacy in the Diocese of Montreal.
“My years at Dio taught me the importance of a supportive community, prayer, and ongoing self-reflection for sustaining a life in ministry. As I look forward to the next venture, I will carry these components with me as I live out God’s call on my life. Dio will remain an important place in my story, a place that has had a significant hand in shaping me into the minister I am today.”
Willis Noble, Certificate in Theology
Willis has had a long career as an organist and church musician in the dioceses of Toronto and Fredricton. He has also maintained an active involvement in the study of the Christian tradition, most notably through the Reading and Tutorial program of the college. With occasional breaks to attend to his work, he has now completed the program.
“The Reading and Tutorial program has been a wonderful balance of areas and I have grown so much through coming to terms with the questions that each unit posed. In a real sense I have come to know myself through facing the questions. I feel that in getting to know myself in so many ways, I have deepened my understanding of God and His upholding of me through the many changes and chances of my life.”
George Ryder, Certificate in Theology
George has had a lengthy ministry as a layreader in the Diocese of Montreal, centred on St. George’s in Chateauguay where he has often led worship and preached. He is a graduate of the Education for Ministry program and, from there, it was not a big step into courses in theology and Christian history and ultimately the college’s Reading and Tutorial program.
“This program helped me grow as a Christian. It was challenging, it was spiritual, and most of all, I was accompanied by insightful mentors who helped me along the way. I am so thankful I decided to follow the path to the Certificate in Theology.”
Gail Turnbull, Certificate in Theology
Over the last seven years, Gail has taken a wide range of online courses at the college, developing a growing interest in and talent for learning about the Christian tradition across a wide range of subjects. Along the way, she has discovered a vocation of teaching in the congregation, taking her learning from the classroom and sharing it with her fellow Christians.
“I have had an amazing experience of study and learning with many interesting faculty showing me the way and I am grateful for the opportunity. Online study for me has been essential. I thank the College for the privilege of being able to attend and to graduate.”