Montreal Dio and partners reaccredited

Montreal Dio and its partner colleges have recently completed a successful re-accreditation process.

In November 2019, a visit team from the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada conducted a four-day comprehensive visit to reaffirm the accreditation of the Montreal School of Theology—of which Dio is an integral member—and the McGill School of Religious Studies. MST and McGill are accredited in relationship with one another, a result of the close working relationship between the two institutions. On the basis of that visit, ATS has reaffirmed MST and McGill’s accreditation for a further period of 10 years, the maximum possible period of accreditation.

In its report, the visit team praised the “unique collaboration of a public university and three theological colleges (in the midst of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural city) that provides for… excellence in theological education” as well as the structures that “utilize both formal agreements and goodwill to achieve a synergy that serves students, the missions of both McGill and MST, the Church, and the broader community.”

“We are grateful for this strong affirmation from ATS of the excellence of our program and the strength of our collaboration,” said Jesse Zink, Dio’s principal as well as the director of the Montreal School of Theology. “Accreditation is an important yardstick for theological education programs and this report shows just how much our consortium has to offer to our students, the academy, and the church.”

The Montreal School of Theology is a consortium of three colleges: Montreal Dio, The Presbyterian College, and the United Theological College. Since 1914, it has worked in association with McGill University to offer programs of theological education and ministerial preparation.