L’œcuménisme, une quête de la vérité du Christ
Alyson Huntly réfléchit à la beauté qu’elle voit dans la communauté œcuménique du collège.
French and Bilingual Formation
An update on how Dio is supporting formation for ministry for francophones students, clergy, and lay people.
What Next for the Church? A hope-filled gathering
Many people from across the Montreal region gathered in later October to consider where God is calling the church.
Ne former qu’un seul corps dans une foi partagée
Une mise à jour de l’aumônier sur le culte et la vie spirituelle œcuménique du séminaire.
Worshipping as One Body in a Shared Faith
An update from the chaplain on the ecumenical worship and spiritual life of the college.
Vers la plénitude
Rencontrez Felississima, une étudiante de notre programme de maîtrise professionelle en théologie.
Seeking Christ’s Truth in Ecumenism
Alyson Huntly reflects on the beauty of the college’s ecumenical community.
Articulating the Theology of Refugee Welcome
Learn about the theological research that Tevfik Karatop, a graduate student affiliated with Dio, is doing on refugee ministries.
Embracing an Ecumenical Life
Get to know Yvrose Lubérisse, a student in our Master of Divinity program.