Candlemas and the rituals of life
Presentation, Purification, Churching of Women, and Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
Presentation, Purification, Churching of Women, and Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
St. Paul's conversion and our ongoing turning to Christ.
The Anglican and United theological colleges will work more closely together to support theological education in French and English.
Les collèges de théologie anglicane et unie de Montréal travailleront plus étroitement ensemble pour soutenir l'enseignement théologique en français et en anglais.
Public health restrictions teach us not only to love our neighbour but also to care for ourselves
Montreal Dio offers resources to support people reading the Gospel of Mark as part of the Good Book Club in Epiphany 2021.
"Torn apart" and "invade" are words used to describe Jesus' baptism. They could also be used to describe the Capitol Hill insurrection.
Lessons for ministry from World AIDS Day
The Reign of Christ in a time of Covid-19
Persisting in theological education in a pandemic